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In the last 24 hours, I have had 2 major concerns within the therapeutic community. The first was when I was contacted by a young lady who asked me how many sessions she would need to help her with a nail-biting habit. I informed her this would take only 1 session, or 2 if I found any underlying issues within the first session. She then informed me that another therapist told her that she would need between 3 and 6 sessions. They told her this without even meeting with her!!! I offer a weight loss package that deals with all arear`s of health, weight loss, motivation and that is only 4 sessions.
The second concern came about when someone who required very specialist help was faced with a bewildering array of therapists all offering their services to deal with a specific concern. Many of the theses therapists would have lacked the required care and clinical background to help and support this person with the required changes.
Several weeks ago I put up a post outlining the good qualities that you should be looking for within a therapist and over 3000 people within the Norfolk area read it alone. I think that it is again worth going over some of the things you should be looking for when hiring any kind of therapist.
1. Quality of their training. I was lucky and trained under the most qualified person within the county. The training that I received was over 12 months and I have to face a vetting process before they would even take me on. I had standards of excellence to achieve and reach. I had papers to submit and a constant appraisal of my skills through live sessions, best practise groups and cases. Before I could practise I had to have all of my written case notes, standards and learnings presented and passed before a governing body. I also had to present and pass a live session with 2 assessors. I am not ashamed to admit that was daunting and not everyone was successful. So please be aware of those who have a certificate that was obtained in a very short time.
2. Background. Now not everyone can have a medical or clinical background and for certain issues that may not always be necessary. But please be aware when dealing with the subconscious mind, you are dealing with that part of your brain that carry’s all of your memories both good and bad and for the inexperienced, it is a psychological minefield. I have a 10-year background within the clinical world, care and mental health and I was fortunate to receive excellent mental health training to conduct this work. I pride myself on good clinical excellence and being able to deal with more challenging psychological concerns.
3. Professional approach to their work. I often hear strange tales from people telling me that therapists have asked then to meet them in out of area locations, not even working where they claim. Or when they have arrived, the therapy was conducted in a lean too; a friends bedroom and someone told me they have visited therapists who work from an outdoor shed!!! Therapy is all about feeling relaxed and opening up your mind. To do this, you need to feel comfortable and relaxed and know that someone`s dog or family member is not going to walk in halfway through the session. I have a dedicated therapy area that is warm, comfortable and relaxing. It is within a safe location and there is safe off road parking. I choose the location, so people could leave and attend discreetly and feel calm and relaxed within the session. I also work within the area that I advertise on my website. 4. Ethical standards. Within my first ever therapy lesson, I was taught one thing that has always remained with me “Do, no harm” Therapy is not just about qualifications, it is also about adopting the correct attitude to those who choose to come and visit me. It is about caring for those who need help, ensuring they are provided with the correct therapy and putting their emotional and mental health first. I always end my therapy sessions with my clients by asking them if they felt the session was of value and if they “wish” they can choose to return.
I have never told anyone that they will “Need” 4 -6 sessions and I always warn anyone please be aware of who tells you that you do. If I see someone and they feel that 1 or 2 sessions were all it took, I could not be happier. If anyone ever tells you that you need numerous sessions without having met you and conducted a session, I would love to know how they are aware that this many sessions are required. I do offer packages such as weight loss as this is a major area of our lives and it is never about food so there will be more than one area to work on. Smoking can be stopped within a 90 minutes session. Recently I did two 60 minute sessions for a client which effectively allowed them to reduce their stress and anxiety levels so they were able to return to work. It did not take 6 or 8 sessions. Any therapist that conducts more sessions than is necessary is working out of integrity.
So if you are thinking of using any therapist, please check the above areas and ensure they offer a free consultation and do not charge you for this as part of your therapy, consultations are free. Also, make sure they have good referrals and have a solid background within the area you require.
If you know of anyone who is considering any kind of therapeutic support please pass this on to them and give it a like and a share, you may be saving someone vulnerable from being taken advantage of.
Kind regards Jason Edwards HYPN DIP MNLP
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